My hope for myself & all of my family & friends; is that we can all learn from the innocence of our children & truly, whole-heartedly allow ourselves to enjoy & have FUN every hour of every day throughout this special 2010 holiday season:-)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
So Adorable!!!
G-O-B-U-C-K-S-!-!-! We had such a great time watching The Ohio State vs. Michigan Game today with Joe, Randi, Shari, Megan, Cedric & Jake Gaaskjolen @ Mr. & Mrs. Miles House. Every-time Joe & Randi are in town & we spend time over @ The Mile's house, it immediately takes me back about 20 years! It is amazing and lucky that we are still such good friends with all of the people that we grew-up with through the years...We are so excited for Baby Miles to make her way into this world in April!!! Today was the perfect way to watch the game & to cheer The Bucks on to a VICTORY!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day:-)
Thanksgiving is such a fantastic holiday every year...I could not be luckier or more thankful for all of the many blessing in my life. I am surrounded by fabulous friends & the BEST family in the world, what more could a girl ask for??? Although my little Benjamin is still recovering from a bad strain of strep throat & a horrible rash today, he along with the rest of our family, still managed to have a blast @ our annual Aiken family dinner followed by The Mayer family Celebration. Thanks to both of our Wonderful Mothers/Grandmas, our 2010 Thanksgiving holiday was perfect!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Fall Park Class...
Today we had our Fall Park Class...The Washington Township Park District, sponsors some really good classes for our boys. Lucky for us today our teacher was yet again Miss Lucy...she makes all of our park classes fantastic because she is so patient & great with the kids. We went on a scavenger hunt through the woods to find all kinds of "living" & "non-living" things. Nik & I had a wonderful time watching our 4-boys hiking, digging, running & just having lots & lots of good-old FUN together:-)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Daddy & His Boys!!!
What a FUN family night we had tonight...I had a blast watching my 3-boys building their "City", with their jumbo blocks & hot-wheels tracks. I am positive that Brian had as much FUN creating the city as Benjamin & Brady did. It makes my heart want to explode with pride, whenever I watch my 3-boys play together like they were tonight. It is the small unexpected moments like these that remind me over & over again just how lucky I am to have the BEST husband & sons in the entire world :-) I LOVE YOU BRIAN, BEN & BRADY!!!
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