Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Benjamin's 1st Ohio State Game!!!

Taking a short break from all of the cheering!!!

Daddy's dream come true...

Go Bobcats!!!

Havin' a blast with Grandpa Mayer & Uncle Scott!!!


Today was the day daddy has been waiting for...Benjamin's 1st time in the "Horseshoe"!!! Daddy, Benjamin, & I went to the game with Aunt Nikki & Jacob; and grandpa Mayer & Uncle Scott. We decided to leave the babies (Brady & Lucas) with Grandma & Grandpa Aiken and just take the "BIG BOYS" to their 1st official college football game. Needless to say, we had a blast! Not only did we get to cheer on daddy's favorite team, The Buckeye's, but we also got to see them play against The Bobcats! Nikki & Jake represented the Aiken family school by wearing green and the rest of us stuck with the "normal weekend wear" (scarlet & gray). It was a tough decision for me, but in the end I decided to make the day enjoyable (aka not making my husband mad), so I changed last minute out of my green and into my red!!! Before the game we tailgated in a park where Ben & Jake had fun playing on the playground and passing the football. The boys cheered for the entire game and had the time of their lives...Thanks for planning our first family O.S.U. game daddy we had so much FUN!!!

1 comment:

The Aliaga Family said...

I'm glad at least Jake has enough sense to cheer for a quality team but we won't hold it against Ben, he is heavily influenced by his father!!!!!!!!!!!!