Benjamin & Jacob had all of there dreams come true this week...Grandma & Grandpa Aiken took both of them, without their baby brothers, to Disney World for 5-fantastic days & nights!!! The 4-of them had a wonderful time together. What an amazing opportunity for our boys to get to spend such quality time with their grandparents...I am not sure who had more fun seeing Mickey Mouse in person the boys or grandma & grandpa...HA! That is the BEST part about Disney World, it doesn't matter how old you may be, it is the one place EVERYONE can be a KID again!!! They rode lots & lots of rides, ate tons of yummy food, swam in the pool everyday & enjoyed their beautiful room at the new Animal Kingdom hotel. Although mommy & daddy are a bit jealous because we were not along for the trip, we couldn't be happier & more thankful that grandma & grandpa were able to enjoy their grandsons in such an amazing way! Next time, when they get a little older, it will be Brady & Lucas that are able to experience the Magic World of Disney with grandma & grandpa. Although they all had an amazing vacation together, I am pretty positive that there will not be any trips planned with all 4-boys together & grandparents ONLY in the near future (grandma & grandpa slept for about 48-hours post trip) HA! THANKS FOR THE VACATION OF A LIFETIME GRANDMA & GRANDPA...WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
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