The Seeley Boys:-)
"Shot-Gun" For Mr. Brady-Boy...
Uncle Scott & Benjamin...
Grandma Mayer Is Ridin' Solo...
Grandpa Is Ready To Race...
#88...Benjamin Gary Seeley!!!
Rounding The Corner...#25 Scott & Ben Are In The Lead!!!
OH NO...#25 Is Spinning Out-Of Control!!!
Race #1 Champions...Daddy & Brady:-)
And...It's The Final Lap!!!
My Boys...
Introducing "Ben & Jerry"!!!
Ben & Jerry #2...
"Wake-Up Uncle Scott"...It's Time To Play Ball:-)
Ben & Brady Building Their 1st Sand-Castles With Uncle Scott!!!
Just Checking-Out The Water With Daddy...
This Is FUN Daddy!!!
Playing In The Sand Never Gets Old!!!
Burying Benjamin's Little Footsies:-)
Ben Driving His Sand Race-Car...
"The Boys" Playing In The Ocean...
Splashing Grandpa:-)
The B.S.'s :-)
Ben & His Favorite "Big Boys"!!!
Grandma & Grandpa With Mr. Wild-Man:-)
What a fabulous vacation we all had together as a family!!! It was so much FUN for all 4-of us to get to spend lots of quality time with Uncle Scott, Grandma Mayer & Grandpa Mayer...The boys, Brian & I got there very early Wednesday morning. The 4-of us spent the first 3-days by ourselves; we went swimming, played golf, soccer, baseball, cards, read books, watched movies and ate lots of great food. Then Uncle Scott along with Grandma & Grandpa arrived on Friday afternoon. We greeted them to South Carolina by meeting them @ one of our very favorite restaurants, Drunkin' Jacks!!! On Saturday we all went into Myrtle Beach to ride the go-carts...that was an experience to say the least! Ben & Brady took turns riding with Uncle Scott & Daddy, I'm not sure who had more FUN the short guys or the tall guys:-) Sunday, Grandma & Grandpa took their "boys", daddy & Uncle Scott, golfing on our condo's course River Club. Monday, we all headed to the beach to enjoy our final day of vacation. The weather was beautiful & the breeze by the ocean made the heat more enjoyable. Before hitting the rode on Monday night we enjoyed one final family dinner @ Grandma & Grandpa's favorite Litchfield Beach restaurant. Although all great things must come to an end, our memories will last forever & ever. We love you Grandma Mayer, Grandpa Mayer & Uncle Scott!!! Thanks for a truly wonderful family vacation:-)
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