Mr. Jace Jones...
A Little Basketball For The Birthday-Boy...
1 v 1: Brady Seeley & Sam Keely...
Buddies...Paul & Jeff!!!
The Mayer Family...
The Seeley Clan...
Great Grandma & Aunt Nik :-)
Great Grandma & Baby-Kate!!!
Brady's Heaven...Sports, Sports & More Sports!!!
Happy Birthday To You...
Laine Kuhns & Reese Neugebauer...
Jace, Ben & Mommy...
John & His Pretty Ladies...
Paul, Uncle Jeff & Daddy...
Daddy Getting His Baby Fix!!!
Aunt Nik, Courtney & The Keely Boys...
*Aunt Nik, Courtney, The Keely Brothers, Mommy, Laura, Sarah & The Neugebauer Sisters*
Grandma Mayer, Daddy, Ben & Brady...Opening Presents!!!
The Seeley Boys...
Brothers & Best Friends...Benjamin & Brady :-)
The Birthday Boy...Enjoying His Presents With The Seeley's!!!
The Birthday-Boy & Grandma Mayer!!!
Brady & His Our Neighbor, Dawn Balanier...
Brady & Ben...1st Place Trophy!!!
Bosom Buddies...Brady & Lucas!!!
P-A-R-T-Y T-I-M-E !-!-!
I can't believe baby-boy is 3-years old today!!! It is amazing to me how quickly time goes bye. I am so proud of the little man that Brady is becoming, but the selfish mommy-side of me wants him to stop-growing & stay my little baby-boy forever...It is sad to think that I do not have a "baby" anymore. But, there are so many exciting "big-boy" FUN activities to for the 4-of us to enjoy as a family for so many years to come!!! I am so happy that Brady & all of his adorable little friends had a blast at his Sports-Party...the smile on Brady's chubby little face made all of the planning & preparation well worth it!!!
I can't believe baby-boy is 3-years old today!!! It is amazing to me how quickly time goes bye. I am so proud of the little man that Brady is becoming, but the selfish mommy-side of me wants him to stop-growing & stay my little baby-boy forever...It is sad to think that I do not have a "baby" anymore. But, there are so many exciting "big-boy" FUN activities to for the 4-of us to enjoy as a family for so many years to come!!! I am so happy that Brady & all of his adorable little friends had a blast at his Sports-Party...the smile on Brady's chubby little face made all of the planning & preparation well worth it!!!
Mommy & Daddy are so very proud of you Brady-Boy...Happy Birthday Little-Man, We love you!!!
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