It is the most amazing thing in the world to watch my 2-boys TOGETHER! One of mine & Brian's favorite things to do is to just sit & watch our little guys play. Brady is getting older & Ben does a wonderful job of teaching him many new games & fun little tricks everyday. I couldn't have asked for a better older brother for Brady than Benjamin...99% of the time! They are so lucky to have each other...& Brian & I are so lucky to have both of them!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Dr. Check-Ups For Benjamin & Brady...
I can't believe it...Benjamin is already 3-years old & Brady is 18-months! We had their check-ups with Dr. Conlon this afternoon & Great Grandma came with us. Wow!!! How time flies when you are havin' fun!!! "FUN" doesn't even begin to describe my life with my 2-boys in it. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world...I wake-up every single morning & ask myself what I ever did to deserve my 2-tiny little miracles. Ever since the day Benjamin & Brady were born my life has been forever changed 100%. I had always heard other moms talk about how incredible it was to have children, but I never dreamt in a million years that 2-tiny little guys could be so incredibly amazing. Having kids is like being "born-again" in so many ways...I now see everything again for the first time along with them, through their little eyes & it is the most fantastic experience of my life!!!
April Washington Township Park Class...
Aunt Nikki Leading The Pack...
Today was our once-a-month Park District Class & this month it was held at Grant Nature Center...Although the name has "officially" changed from Grant Life (when we were kids) to Grant Nature Center (now), the name is definitely the ONLY thing that has changed in the past 20 years!!! Going back to those little classrooms & all of the hiking trails made me feel like I was in a complete time warp back to my Cline Elementary School field-trip days...Today's class was centered around tadpoles &, we went for a nature hike to the creek where we fished for tadpoles with our fishing-nets. After that fun-filled adventure we then made toad houses out of flower pots to take home & put in our yards (no more homeless toads in The Seeley's neighborhood!!!) We always have so much FUN in the classes that Aunt Nikki signs us up for...THANKS AUNT NIK YOU'RE THE BEST!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Grandma & Grandpa Aiken's Park...
The Zip-Line Is A Hit...
What a fantastic day we all had together today! We all went to the park across the street from Grandma & Grandpa's house to have a picnic for lunch...what a beautiful spring day! After we finished our lunch, the boys had a blast playing on the playground & we had just as much fun watching them! The best part about today was that Grandpa was able to join us...the boys loved having him on the playground with them. What a perfect way to enjoy the great weather & to kick-off the spring-season!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Easter 2009
Today was another wonderful holiday shared with our family that we love & cherish so much. We started the Easter celebration with a service at Southbrook Community Church with the Aiken side of the family. After church we all went back to grandma & grandpa's house for a fantastic lunch together as a family. We then enjoyed watching the boys & their big "Easter Egg Hunt"!!! It was hillarious to say the least. Not much has changes for Jake & Ben over the past year...I think we could hide the eggs on thier noses & they still wouldn't find them!!! HA! But, the babies on the other hand, did surprisingly well for their first egg hunt, if it hadn't for the eggs that Ben & Jake stole out of Brady & Lucas's baskets, I'm not sure there would've been much competition for the final "egg count"in the end...But it was all in good fun & we definitely shared LOTS of laughs. After our great morning & afternoon with the Aiken's, we then packed up & headed over to the Mayer's house for the evening. We had so much fun catching-up with the family & the boys had a blast playing with Chloey, Uncle Scott's new dog. We can't say enough how lucky we are to have such amazing families on both sides...our boys are lucky to have so many people that love them so much...definitely including mommy & daddy (we couldn't be more proud)!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Benjamin Is 3-Years Old!!!
Daddy & Cousin Lucas...
WOW!!! I can't believe it, my baby is already 3-years old!!! Where has the time gone??? This year was the 1st year that Ben was able to choose what HE wanted to do to celebrate his BIG day...Bowling it is!!! We had a great time with many of his tiny little friends. For once I actually kept it VERY small & low-key since there is not a whole lot of extra space at the bowling alley...just Ben's friends, their families & his grandparents. I think we can safely say that Benjamin thoroughly enjoyed his 3rd Birthday Party without a doubt!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR FRIENDS & FAMILY THAT MADE HIS DAY SO SPECIAL...WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!
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