Mommy & Her Little Men!!!

Best Buds!!!

What A Bowler!!!

Ben Watching "The Neugebauer" Girls Bowl...

Aunt Nikki, Uncle Scott & Mommy!!!

Daddy & His "Lil Boy!!!


The Neugebauer Family...

Michelle Showing Her Boys How It Is Done (Heals Not Recommended)!!!

Havin' Some Mother & Daughter FUN!!!

The Birthday Boy!!!

Mr. "Beafcake" Brady...

"Aunt" Lynn & Mommy!!!

Uncle Scott, Daddy & "Uncle" Rod!!!

Grandpa Mayer & Benjamin...

Lucas #1 & Lucas #2...

Grandma Aiken & Benjamin Opening Presents!!!

Grandpa Aiken & Lucas!!!

Grandma Mayer & Brady-Boy!!!

Grandpa Mayer & The B-Day Boy!!!

Benjamin Drinking From His "Bowling Pin" Sippy Cup!!!

"Coach Rod" Working His Magic With Ben...

Michelle, Caroline & "Lil Lucy!!!


Make A Wish Benjamin...
Daddy & Cousin Lucas...

Missy & Jace Jones...ADORABLE!!!

The Yosy Family (We Missed You Skylar!!!)

Ben & His Girlfriend Lucy!!!

Chubbs & His Balloon Obsession!!!

Caroline & Ben...

All Of Benjamin's Proud Grandmas!!!

Great Grandma & Her Grandsons...

Ben Enjoying ALL Of his AWESOME Presents...

WOW!!! I can't believe it, my baby is already 3-years old!!! Where has the time gone??? This year was the 1st year that Ben was able to choose what HE wanted to do to celebrate his BIG day...Bowling it is!!! We had a great time with many of his tiny little friends. For once I actually kept it VERY small & low-key since there is not a whole lot of extra space at the bowling alley...just Ben's friends, their families & his grandparents. I think we can safely say that Benjamin thoroughly enjoyed his 3rd Birthday Party without a doubt!!! THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR FRIENDS & FAMILY THAT MADE HIS DAY SO SPECIAL...WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!
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