BBBBRRRRR...Benjamin's 1st Football practice was a little chilly. But, luckily "Coach King" has a warehouse with turf that we were able to use for definitely was still very frigid since it does not have any heat, but it was much better than it would've been outside. Since The Seeley's are usually a "soccer family", we are all very excited to venture into "The World Of Centerville Football":-) Benjamin is very excited to once again be on "Coach King's"team, along with his son Landen & their buddy Seth. We met "Coach King" for the 1st time a year ago, last spring we were randomly assigned to his T-Ball team. Then we all played CUSA soccer together in the fall & now he again has Ben, Landen & Seth all playing for him in football!!! He is a fantastic coach & friend, so we are looking forward to another great sports season together:-)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Hotel Night...
After we met our new "girlfriend", adorable little Madison Rose Miles...We headed to downtown Cleveland for a FUN night in a hotel just the 4-of us:-) It doesn't matter where we are, being away from home & changing-up the "normal" daily routine is always exciting. The boys were very pleased with the indoor pool. So of course with not a second to spare, we went strait there & swam until my boys looked like little dried-up raisins. We then played some pool in the activity area, ordered a pizza, snuggled into our king-size bed & watched a movie...I can't think of any better way to spend a Friday afternoon & night...I am the luckiest girl in the world to have my fabulous 3-boys all to myself!!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Introducing...Miss Madison Rose Miles:-)
What a fabulous weekend we had!!! We have been anxiously awaiting little Miss Madison to make her way into this world & it could not have worked out at a better time for all of us! Brian ironically had the extremely rare weekend off of work, so as soon as we heard that Randi was in labor late Thursday night...we decided to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Cleveland. Benjamin & Brady were enthralled by how teeny-tiny the baby is, she is almost as small as both of my boys were @ 5 1/2lbs & only 17 1/4 in long...Both Randi & Madison are doing great!!! It has only been 24 hours since Joe has finally met his little baby girl & it was completely obvious that he is head-over-heals in love already:-) Congratulations to The New Miles Family...Life has now only begun!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Ben's 1st Spring Soccer Practice...
Well, Benjamin has officially started his Spring CUSA Soccer Season! We are all very excited to watch our little man in action again on the field, just like his daddy:-) Ben's games will be at Oak Grove Park again every Tuesday night over the next couple of months... GO BEN SEELEY!!!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
My little man was so tired is only 7:00pm & he was "Reading" his books in his rocking chair. It's tough being the little brother of "the Energizer Bunny" that NEVER sleeps:-) Good night buddy, sleep-tight & don't let the "Bed-Bugs" bite!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Daddy & His Little Guys:-)
Ben & Brady had a terrific night tonight...because they got to spend it with daddy!!! They were in heaven because they had his full-attention & focus for the entire night!!! They spent a good part of their evening building with their legos/blocks. They came up with a pretty impressive robot & I'm not sure who was more proud of their accomplishment...the boys or daddy!!! Haha!!! We Love You Daddy...You Are The Best:-)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Park Class With Mrs. Steinfurth!!!
Much to our surprise & delight...Mrs. Steinfurth was our teacher for our Park Class today!!! We all had such a great afternoon enjoying the fabulous spring weather. As always our boys loved every minute of the class; reading books, making bird sounds & making our very own Binoculars, or "Noculors" as Brady says!!! What a perfect way to spend our holiday afternoon with Grandma Aiken, Aunt Nik & of course most importantly...our very favorite cousins too:-) Thanks for making our St. Patrick's Day a special one Mrs. Steinfurth:-)
Happy St. Patty's Day!!!
We hope your holiday is just as great as ours has been!!! Don't forget to wear your GREEN today:-)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Jacob Jeffrey Dice's Musical Production:-)
My adorable little nephew Jacob, had his wonderful musical production tonight at The Centerville High School's Theatre Wing. Jake's Kindergarten class is part of The "BLUE" neighborhood @ The Primary Village South Elementary School. I was so incredibly proud of my little buddy...he looked so cute on stage singing his little heart out:-) Way to go Jacob, you did AWESOME & we are so proud of you!!!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Southbrook Church...
We all enjoyed yet another wonderful Saturday evening church service @ Southbrook tonight. Not only do we all enjoy spending good quality family time together at church, but Charlie's sermon/message is always so easy to relate to & such a joy to listen to. I truly enjoy going to church & I am so happy that my boys are enjoying their time in "Sunday School" @ Southbrook as well. Thank you mom & dad for introducing us to this amazing new church...we love it!!!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Marions Pizza With The Reynolds Family...
Today we went to Marions Pizza with Grandma Mayer's Cousins, Aunts & Uncles (The Reynolds Family). It was great to get to spend time with her side of the family because it is not something that we get to do very often. The boys had a blast eating pizza, playing video games & of course taking every possible chance to "show-off" for their "Captive audience":-)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Boy's Treasure Chests...
Grandma Aiken went shopping @ Ikea today & bought all of the boys their own Treasure Chests...They are all very excited to have a place to hide all of their "important treasures". Thank You Grandma...we love you lots & lots:-)
Brady's Friend Turns 4!!!
Max, Brady's friend from First School had his 4th birthday party @ Bounce-U today. Ben stayed with Grandpa & Great Grandma Aiken for the afternoon while Brady & I went to the birthday party...we had a great time together. It is rare that I get to spend an entire day with Brady only, so I relished in the opportunity to have my little man all to myself. Although it was so much FUN to see Brady's personality really shine while he was away from his big brother, we were both very anxious to see Ben again after the party was over. Happy Birthday MAX, thanks for the invite we had a great time at your party!!!
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