* Sam & Mason Keely * Reese & Riley Neugebauer * Jacob & Lucas Dice * Jace Jones *
* Benjamin & Brady Seeley *
(Lesson Learned: always warn the little ones AHEAD OF TIME that the last hole will "eat" their ball & They WILL NOT get it back!!!)
Ben & His FAVORITE Aunt Nik:-)
The Adorable Neugebauer Ladies...
All Good Things Must Come To An End...
The King Of The Magic Castle...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN:-)
Ben chose to have his birthday party this year at, The Magic Castle. We all had a fantastic evening tonight. We started the party by playing all of the video games one can ever imagine possible, then we all settled into our little party room for some yummy pizza, cake & ice cream. After we were all nice & full, we headed outside for a round of mini golf. I don't think I have ever seen anything more adorable & hilarious than watching 9-toddlers under the age of 5 years old playing mini golf as a group...Thank you to all of our family & friends that helped to make Benjamin's 4th birthday so very special, we love you all:-)
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