The Boys At Church...
Ben & Brady!!!
Uncle Scott & The Boys Walking Into Church...
Mommy & Brady...
3-Generations Of "look-A-Likes":-)
Best Buds...
Brady & Lucas...Too Cute:-)
The Crazy Seeleys...
Uncle Scott & Mommy!!!
The Boys Opening Their Easter Presents from Grandma & Grandpa!!!
Ben & Jake...
Baseball It Is...
(Grandpa Gave Brady & Luke A Head-Start):-)
Found One!!!
Lucas Is Doing Great...
Benjamin's Turn...
it's A Close Race...
Ben Found A "Pink" Egg For Mommy!!!
Who Has The Most Eggs????
Grandma Helping Jake Find Some Eggs...
Daddy Lending A Hand To His Boys...
Ben's Spiderman Birthday Cup-Cakes...Yummy!!!
Ben Enjoying His New Spiderman Bike From Grandma & Grandpa Mayer:-)
Brady Riding His tricycle:-)
1-For Brady & 1-For Lucas!!!
And They're Off!!!
(All The Way Around The Block)!!!
WHEW!!! That Was A Long Ride!!!
Great Grandma & Her Boys...
Today is an extra special holiday for our family! Not only are we celebrating Easter together, but it is also Benjamin's "official" 4th birthday today too. The weather couldn't have been more beautiful, so like my Benjamin our day together was absolutely PERFECT...We started the morning off @ church and then we headed back to grandma & grandpa Aiken's house for a very yummy lunch. Since Grandma & Grandpa Mayer were in Litchfield Beach for Grandpa's spring break, Uncle Scott joined The Aiken side of our family for the holiday this year...Ben & Brady had a blast having both of their uncles together for the day:-) After we finished stuffing ourselves with all of the fabulous food, we had our "annual" Easter Egg Hunt & played outside all day long. Thanks Grandma for a fantastic Easter & for Ben's Spiderman birthday cake...he LOVED it:-)
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