Sarah & Brady:)
Today we enjoyed our, 2nd Annual Ginger Bread House Decorating, with Sarah, Reese & Riley:) Benjamin, Brady & I went to The Neugebauer's House in Cincinnati for a fun-filled afternoon! Sarah & I had a wonderful time hanging-out, just like we used to do every day when we lived together. There is nothing better than watching our little ones playing together & becoming friends, just like us. Brady, as always showed his obsession with "girls" by giving hug after hug after hug to Riley & Reese throughout the day today. Reese started to lose interest in the "continual" hugs after about the 10th one, but Riley on the other hand, seemed to enjoy his affection over-and-over-and-over again! All-in-all we all had a fantastic time with, The Adorable Neugebauer Ladies today. Thanks for a fabulous afternoon girls, WE LOVE ALL 3-OF YOU LOTS...MERRY CHRISTMAS:)
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