Aunt Vivian & The Boys:)
Santa & His 'Lil Helpers...
Aunt Vivian & Her "Little Boys"...
Grandad & Dianna Seeley...
Brotherly Love...
Ben...Waiting To Play Musical Chairs...
Vivian Explaining "The Rules" Of The Game!!!
Aunt Barb, Cousins Heather, Basin & Richard...Let The Games Begin!!!
Mommy, Sherri, Ben & Brady:)
The Final 3-Benjamin, Barb & Sherri:)
YAY...I Beat Mommy!!!
Aunt Barb...The 2009 Champion!!!
3rd Place Prize...
Ben...Excited About His New V-Tec Apple...
Thanks Seeley's...Brady Loves His New Little Tykes Piano...
All Right!!! Our New Drumb & Instrument Set...Plug Your Ears Mommy & Daddy:)
Cousin Heather & Her Boyfriend Basin...
Uncle Marcel & Cousin Andy...
Uncle Marcel..."Our Family Photographer":)
Brady & His Cousins Andy & Heather...
Basin & Cousin Josh...
Cousins Sherri & Richard:)
Ben Having A Great Time With His Family...
Daddy's Cousin's Andy & Robby With Ben & Brady:)
Benjamin Goofing-Off With Andy!!!
Tonight we had our annual, Seeley Family Christmas, at Aunt Vivian & Uncle Dezarn's house. As we do EVERY YEAR, we had so much FUN!!! We started the evening with all of the delicious food that Vivian, Marcel, Barb & Tom work so hard cooking/baking for all of us...YUMMY! We then played our annual "Musical Chairs" game...this year we donated to the local food pantry instead of doing our old tradition of "white elephant gifts" (Thanks to Vivian for always thinking of the less fortunate). Benjamin, was very proud to be "old enough" this year to join in on the competition...he was SO CUTE playing with all of the adults! I have to admit he definitely didn't miss his mommy & daddy's competitive genes at all:) He hung right in there & wiggled that little butt right onto the chairs & made it all the way to the final 3...beating mommy I might add!!! What a way to kick-off the Christmas celebrations than with laughs, laughs & more laughs:) Thanks again Vivian & Marcel, we are so grateful to be a part of your fantastic & enjoyable holiday celebration every year:) We Love You!!!
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